• А.В. Мазур Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
  • О.А. Невиняк Національний університет «Львівська політехніка»
Ключові слова: фінансові послуги, проривні технології, блокчейн, штучний інтелект, машинне навчання, аналіз даних, квантові обчислення, інтернет речей, біометрична автентифікація


The rapid evolution of disruptive technologies has resulted in significant upheaval across various industries, including financial services. This research aims to characterize the most widespread disruptive technologies in the financial services sector that are gaining popularity and becoming familiar to us in our everyday life, and describe the challenges and concerns of their usage. The particular focus is made on such disruptive technologies as blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) applications, big data analytics, and some of emerging technologies: quantum computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and biometric authentication. By examining each technology’s possible usage options and implementation specifics, as well as its overall advantages and drawbacks, this study aims to identify their potential disruptive effects on the financial services. The research offers valuable insights into the transformative power of these technologies and their implications for different financial operations such as financial reports, data and market analysis, banking transactions, trading, insurance, risk assessment and others. It also analyzes the impact of them on security and privacy, customer experience and overall operational efficiency within the financial services industry. Furthermore, it addresses the opportunities and challenges associated with the adoption and integration of these disruptive technologies. Understanding of all the findings of this paper’s research is expected to provide important and useful insights on the complexities introduced by disruptive technologies advancements in the finance industries sector, as these complexities must be measured and strategically operated to ensure that each disruptive technology used harness the benefits while mitigating potential risks. Thus, we hope that this comprehensive analysis can equip people interested in the usage of disruptive technologies in the financial sector with the necessary needed basic knowledge to navigate the rapidly changing landscape of this technological innovation.


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Переглядів статті: 142
Завантажень PDF: 75
Як цитувати
Мазур, А., & Невиняк , О. (2024). ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЙНИЙ ВПЛИВ ТА ВИКЛИКИ ПРОРИВНИХ ТЕХНОЛОГІЙ У СЕКТОРІ ФІНАНСОВИХ ПОСЛУГ. Цифрова економіка та економічна безпека, (2 (11), 265-269. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.11-43