
The article is devoted to the issues of personnel management and development using information technologies. We emphasize that traditional teaching methods are beginning to lose their significance and practical orientation, and therefore rapid adaptation to constantly changing conditions is of particular importance. Thanks to the use of information technology, an enterprise greatly facilitates all processes. It is noted that the use of IT makes the process less routine and frees up time for HR managers to solve really important tasks and improves the training of employees and talented specialists of the enterprise. It is noted that the transition to digitalized HR management should be a logical continuation of rethinking the position of the enterprise to achieve its goals. Total digitalization must necessarily be accompanied by an increase in labor efficiency, which will ultimately lead to a shorter working week and rational use of knowledge. The transition to digitalized human resources management should be a logical extension of the rethinking of the company's position. The article identifies the main tasks of personnel management and development that contribute to the increase of the enterprise's efficiency. The impact of digitalization on HR processes is considered. Many different information programs are named, the use of which is aimed at integrating a team of employees to work on common goals and objectives without taking into account the physical distance between them, accelerating the search and selection of personnel. The author emphasizes that when building an enterprise's personnel policy, it is necessary to take into account the pronounced mobility of the new generation - Generation Z. In fact, these are employees who have grown up surrounded by electronic devices, the Internet, the digital format of interpersonal interaction and other products of a high-tech society. It is emphasized that IT development requires human resources, relevant competencies, digital economy skills, and managers capable of implementing innovations in their activities. The author considers the potential importance of information technology in the field of personnel management and development and concludes that this factor is already one of the main competitive advantages of enterprises that skillfully use these technologies in their activities. This is due to the fact that information is one of the most important resources of any company, and the preservation, accumulation and competent use of information allows enterprises to be always one step ahead of their competitors, who use information technology in the management and development of personnel to a minimum.


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How to Cite
Mohylna, L. (2023). MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (7 (07), 104-110.