Keywords: competitiveness, competitive advantages, enterprise, development, opportunities


To understand the future growth prospects, enterprises should pay special attention to the formation of competitive advantages and competitiveness, thanks to which the necessary strategic potential is built and directions for its effective use, which explains the relevance of the chosen research topic. The purpose of the research is to determine and substantiate the methodological foundations of the formation of competitive advantages of the enterprise. The following research methods were used in the article: generalization, observation, abstraction, identification, synthesis, etc. The article examines the essence and features of the concept of "competitive advantages", defines their connection with the concepts of "competitiveness" and "potential opportunities", highlights the characteristic features of each of these concepts, and characterizes the existing definitions of competitive advantages by various researchers. The methodical principles of the formation of competitive advantages of the enterprise are substantiated, which provide for the existence of prerequisites for the creation of competitive advantages, which serve as a basis for strengthening the competitiveness of the enterprise and provide for the implementation of seven main conditions. Methods and indicators for assessing competitive advantages are defined, which reflect the quantitative, qualitative and cost characteristics of the product and, in aggregate, make it possible to assess the strength of the enterprise's competitiveness in order to build its competitive advantages. The factors of the formation of competitive advantages, which were divided into external and internal factors, were substantiated. It was determined that Ukrainian enterprises that do not have a positive internal environment are forced to resist the negative influence of external factors to a greater extent. On the basis of the developed methodology, an algorithm for the formation of new competitive advantages at the enterprise was proposed, which allows for the formation of a complex of competitive advantages of the enterprise in the long term, as well as to ensure the systematic creation of new competitive advantages in the future. To understand the future prospects of growth, enterprises should pay special attention to the formation of competitive advantages and competitiveness, thanks to which the necessary strategic potential is built and directions for its effective use, which explains the relevance of the chosen research topic. The purpose of the research is to determine and substantiate the methodological foundations of the formation of competitive advantages of the enterprise. The following research methods were used in the article: generalization, observation, abstraction, identification, synthesis, etc. The article examines the essence and features of the concept of "competitive advantages", defines their connection with the concepts of "competitiveness" and "potential opportunities", highlights the characteristic features of each of these concepts, and characterizes the existing definitions of competitive advantages by various researchers. The methodical principles of the formation of competitive advantages of the enterprise are substantiated, which provide for the existence of prerequisites for the creation of competitive advantages, which serve as a basis for strengthening the competitiveness of the enterprise and provide for the implementation of seven main conditions. Methods and indicators for assessing competitive advantages are defined, which reflect the quantitative, qualitative and cost characteristics of the product and, in aggregate, make it possible to assess the strength of the enterprise's competitiveness in order to build its competitive advantages. The factors of the formation of competitive advantages, which were divided into external and internal factors, were substantiated. It was determined that Ukrainian enterprises that do not have a positive internal environment are forced to resist the negative influence of external factors to a greater extent. On the basis of the developed methodology, an algorithm for the formation of new competitive advantages at the enterprise was proposed, which allows to form a complex of competitive advantages of the enterprise in the long term, as well as to ensure the systematic creation of new competitive advantages in the future.


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