Keywords: digital transformation, business, enterprise, activity, martial law, management decisions


The purpose of the article is to highlight the features of the digital transformation of domestic business from the standpoint of modern challenges caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war. Innovative opportunities for business development provided by digital transformation are revealed. It was found that the digital transformation of business with the help of advanced technologies, such as Big Data or artificial intelligence, makes it possible to process information flows for prompt management decisions, apply offers for specific customers and predict the behavior of the enterprise in the market. The dynamics of digital transformation of domestic business in Ukraine is analyzed. It has been established that in order to improve the digital transformation of domestic business in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, assistance from the European Innovation Council in the amount of 20 million euros is provided for the development of innovations in Ukraine. Advantages of digital transformation of domestic business are highlighted. It was determined that in 2022 there was a decline in the indicators of digital transformation of domestic business, which is due to the realities of the influence of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Sustaining a business in wartime is found to be a necessary but difficult task due to disruption of production and logistics chains, constant shelling by the Russian military and forced internal migration. In addition, various projects were developed for entrepreneurs to improve the digital transformation of domestic business under martial law conditions, in particular, for example, training was organized on the basis of the educational project "Business Digitization: How to Grow in War Conditions", which aimed to provide enterprises with tools for work on digital transformation and show how to provide your customers with a quality user experience and increase their profits. The perspective of the following investigations is to highlight the main aspects of the digital transformation of business processes in the conditions of war and in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Diugowanets, O., & Bilousko, T. (2023). DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF DOMESTIC BUSINESS: MODERN CHALLENGES IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN WAR. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (6 (06), 8-12.